Many thanks to our generous supporters!
New York State Council on the Arts
with the support of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
in partnership with the City Council.
National Endowment for the Arts
New York Council of the Arts
Actors’ Equity Foundation
The Achelis & Bodman Foundation
Axe-Houghton Foundation
The Broadway Green Alliance Off-Broadway Chapter
The Cavali Foundation
The Emilie J. Spaulding Foundation
The Howard Gilman Foundation
The Hyde & Watson Foundation
The Herman Leibmann Foundation
The Michael Tuch Foundation
The New York Community Trust
The Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust
The Shakespeare Fund of Theater League of Kansas City
The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
Otsuka America Pharmaceutical
Pantomonium Productions
Carol Leister
Nora Leonhardt
Diane Lerner
Ann Levin
Byungkwon Lim
Elizabeth Liscio
Katriana & Orlando Lopez
Lisa Lopez
Carol Losos
Jon Lukomnik & Lynn Davidson
Heather MacMaster
Michael & Mary Mark
Jonathan Mark & B.K. Munguia
Tom & Jerri Mayer
Kate McGuire
Walter & Carol McNeer
Serge Mezhburd
John Michalski
Anna Molina
Robert Moore & Mary Chiulli
Aela & Don Morgan
Barbara Moses & Matthew Grayson
Darlene & Scott Mowrey
Marie-Claude & Bob Myers
Gary & Donna Naftalis
Molly Nichols
David & Laurie Pauker
Steven & Melanie Perlstein
James Pine & Gina Mori
Andrew & Arabella Pollack
Virginia & Mike Ranger
Sid Ray & Philip Kearns
Judy Rice
Michael & Sonia Robinson
Elana Rosenberg & Greg Litt
Dennis & Shari Rothman
Wendy Ruby
Nick Salamone & Clay Storseth
Lynn Salmon
Curtis & Cheryl Sawyer
Lois Scherer
Jeremy Schiffres
Michael Schmidt & Lori Skopp
Stanley Schneider
Ellen Schorr & Nat Polish
Susan Schroeder
Aaron Schwartzbord
Alice Scovell
Peter Shaerf
Christine Shamborsky
Jonathan Sharp
Dyke Shipp
Douglas Sills
Joanne & Charlie Skop
Sandra Sockett
Sharon & Norbert Soski
Robert & Barbara Staffaroni
Jane Stanicki
Laura Starr
Amy & Neil Steiner
Robert Sternin
Ariana Tadler
Barbara Tober
Robert & Nancy Treuhold
Charlotte Triefus & Lloyd Zuckerberg
Martha Tuck Rozett
Anne Turner & Alan Rifkin
Jan & Cynthia Van Eck
David Wander
Polly Weissman
Stuart Weitzman
Björn H. Weller
Lynn & Elisha Wiesel
Kim & Kerry Wills
Gail Wolsk
Ellis Wood
Amy Zoler
Charlotte Abramson
Ami Abramson & Yona Shem-Tov
Brooks Adams & Juno Adams
Dohra Ahmad & Orin Herskowitz
Bonnie Andersen
Richard Andre
Lauren Angelilli
Brandon Baer
Hugo Barreca
Mitchell Bernard
Ariane Berthoin Antal
Daniel Bloom
Amanda Blouin
Suzanne Bohnker
Stephen Burdman & Adena Abramson
Michael Cantor
Andrew Carlon
Chris Carstens & Carol Meyer
Christopher Cass & Winship Cook
Nicole Chambers
Michelle Chun
Christopher Condlin
Alison Courtney
Cedomir Crnkovic & Valerie Rubsamen
Lori D'Atri
Elysa Dauerman
Sharon Delevie & Steven Haber
Rosina Dixon
Sally Dorsten
Matthew Dougherty
Eric Drachman
Ariela Dubler & Jesse Furman
Mark Edelman
Kim Elliman
Emilie & Donald Englund
Florence & Richard Fabricant
Susan & Ethan Falkove
Joan & Andy Farber
David Fishman & Mindy Seidlin
Donna Fishman & Steve Cohen
David & Lynn Frankel
Katherine Freedman & Brian Beirne
Kristin & Gary Friedman
Alan Friedman
Gary Friedman
Ruth Friendly
Jennifer Geer & Guillermo Bilbao
Daniel Glueck & Nora Tuthill
Kate Goehring
Jan & Steven Golann
Sandra Goldman
Seth & Patty Goldman
Charlotte Gouveia Neto
George & Teresa Grace
Jay Grimm & Emily-Jane Kirwan
Marlene Gursey
Maura Harway & Richard Mark
Cindy Hechler
Johnny Heller & Jo Anna Pilleteri
Anne & Leon Hoffman
James Holmes
Mary Jenkins
Terri Kenworthy
Cristina & David Kepner
Andrea Kihlstedt
Laurin & Norman Kleiman
Andrea Knutson
PJ Kozu
Melissa Kuklin
Marilyn Kunstler
Ellie & Mark Lainer
Chris Lavely
NY Classical’s performances are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
Our programs are supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.